Hello! My name is Gena. I'm the mom blogger from
The Morris Bunch. I was recently talked into creating a 365 blog with some fellow bloggers and friends. I will be posting my favorite 365 blogs on here. If you have a 365 blog or a photography related site that you'd like to share, send me an
email! I will be more than happy to check it out and if it is family friendly, I will share it!
What is a 365 blog? A 365 blog is a blog of pictures. Everyday I will be posting at least one picture up. By the time I am done, I will have a year's worth of pictures!
A little about me. I have four daughters that I will be sharing with you. I also have a wonderful husband that will no doubt be in my pictures! Basically I will be sharing my zoo with you!
I'm currently shooting with 2 different point and shoot cameras. A samsung S730 that I was very happy with until the flash broke. So it is my "flashless" camera! LOL Next I'm using hp PhotoSmart 43x series, which is a loaner until I can replace my Kodak. It was dropped in a glass of lemonade so it's no longer active!
Now that you know a little about me; have a seat, grab a drink of your choice and enjoy the trip!